Our key objective is to divert household waste away from disposal at landfill. To do this, we apply process engineering expertise to recover resources from the waste stream utilising technology that separates and stabilises the organic fraction of the waste and recovers recyclables to end user requirements. This approach is generally referred to as Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) technologies.
We have been a pioneer in developing this approach in Australia and have built and now operate the largest AWT facility in the southern hemisphere with 220,000 tonnes of household waste processed each year at our Eastern Creek Urban Resource – Reduction, Recovery and Recycling (UR-3R) Facility, in Sydney.
Our technology provides the flexibility to adapt to the variability of the waste stream in order to convert it into the most desirable products. This creates long term value for our customers and for the environment.
In 2020, the Eastern Creek UR-3R Facility reached the milestone of processing over 3,000,000 tonnes of household waste.
Over 2,500,000 t CO2-e of emissions have been avoided as of 2020 by the Eastern Creek UR-3R Facility.

Vision and Values
Our vision as a company is a wasteless society.
Our belief is that as the people, producers and legislators understand which materials are not recyclable and as we recyclers keep improving our know-how to transform more of the waste stream into desirable products, we will reduce the amount of non-recoverable materials in the waste stream and pave the way to a more sustainable future, one where ultimately there is no waste.